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A parody of Disease by Matchbox 20
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Feels like we made a mistake
I felt the condom break
And I’m afraid that is not all
The clinic just called

I left a stain
On your good sheets again
But it is worse than you know
But I have to tell you so

You’d better sit down for this
If you still can
It seems I let you down
Beautiful girl
You best get checked

I got a disease
Syphillis and herpes
Gonorrhea and sarcoma
Tell me where can I get some penicillin
Think you got it from me
Immune to my antibodies
I got a disease

It seems like I made you mad
As hell when I gave you those crabs
You drove me to the clinic
Then you had all my clothes burned

Because of little latex flaws
You got the clap but no applause
Beautiful girl
I got VDs


I got a disease
Chlamydia and scabies
Trichomoniasis and staph infections
Where can I get some penicillin
Think you got it from me
Thank god no sign of HIV
But I got a disease
And now I think that I’m sick
I’m so sorry I transmitted it all sexually
Hepatitis, jock itch and
Non-gonoccal Urethritis
Wish we’d used protection
Somehow even got yeast infection
I got a disease

Yeah, well I got STD
Venereal disease

I got a disease
Deep inside me
Transmittable sexually ‘Fraid
I gave you mononucleus,
scabies and warts and even rabies
Keep your distance avoid
Too late I gave you chancroids
I got a disease
And well I thin k that I’m sick
Best leave me be while they all devour me
From the inside, where they reside
All these viruses and parasites and
Hope soon I’ll be clear until then
I’ve got a disease
Yeah well I got STD
I got a disease
And now you too have got all of