If you go out in the woods today
You’d better leave kids at home
If you go out in the woods beware
A predator bear will roam
A bear who wants most every Loli
From Stephanie to Hermione
Today’s the day the PedoBear has his picnic
If you go out in the woods today
You had better listen to me
Beware this meme by 4chan
He’ll swear he didn’t know you were three
For Pedobear’s there and if he can
He’ll offer you candy to get in his van
Today’s the day that Pedobear has his picnic
See that creepy PedoBear
He bounds without a care except of course from the FBI
Stalking children unawares
And squirting all that white stuff in your eye
See him gaily dance about
As children play and shout
He goes to playgrounds and stares
If six years old he’ll offer them candy
And take them home to bed
Because he’s a horny scary PedoBear
Beware the PedoBear girls and boys
Or He’ll rape you long and hard
He’ll leave you only a stain and your shame
And his NAMBLA membership card
For kiddie porn and molesting is a crime
And someday he’ll wind up on Dateline
But today’s the day that PedoBear has his picnic
See him there so brave and bold
Says thirteen is too old as he goes and hijacks a schoolbus
Call the cops he must be scolded
For bringing so much laughter to all of us
It’s so wrong but it bring him so much joy
He’s hunting girls and boys
And never has any cares
At six there’s no grass on the field
But he still wants to play
Because he’s a horny scary PedoBear |