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Whine In the Tone of Voice
A parody of Coconut by Harry Nilsson
Backing track source:

Mother in the supermarket, waiting in the line
Daughter sees the candy there, she wants it for a dime.
She wants one with the chocolate, and mama says no
She puts the whine in her tone of voice and mama says no
She puts the volume in the tone of voice and mama says no
She puts the whine in the tone of voice, she starts to scream, away she go

Mom says Doctor, ain’t there nothin’ she can take,
She says, Doctor, to make her less of a headache?
She says, Doctor, maybe Ritalin or such
She says Doctor, what’ll make her shut up?

“Now let me get this straight”

Your daughter is a total nut, and well-behaved she ain’t
Your daughter is a total nut, she don’t have no restraint
Your daughter is a total nut, she make your life a hell
Your daughter is a total nut, you called your shrink to make her well

And say Doctor, ain’t there nothin’ she can take,
You say, Doctor, to make her less of a headache?
You say, Doctor, maybe Ritalin or such
You say Doctor, what’ll make her shut up?

She put the whine in the tone of voice it make your skin crawl
She puts the whine in the tone of voice it drive you up the wall
She puts the whine in the tone of voice throw tantrum run amok
She puts the whine in the tone of voice, you just want it to stop

Wah wah wah wah wah

Next time you’re in the supermarket waiting in the line
And your child starts to make like she is gonna whine
Don’t bother begging, pleading, bargaining, don’t need no pill
Cause if this one technique don’t work well then no other will



Say Daughter, there ain’t nothing you can do,
Says, Daughter, that is going to spare you
Say, Daughter, from the spank you will receive
I says Daughter, unless this whining you relieve

She put the whine in the tone of voice, you spank her she’ll stop
She put the whine in the tone of voice, you spank her she’ll stop
She put the whine in the tone of voice, you spank her she’ll stop
She put the whine in the tone of voice, you such a silly woman!
Don’t you whine it’s unnatural, it’s how they used to do it
Don’t you whine it’s abusive: just a spank, she’ll get through it
Don’t you whine it’s uncivilized, ‘cause so’s your little brat
If she whines she’s not gonna learn without a little swat.

Yeah Yeah, nothin' she need to take, I say
Woo Woo, will beat a spank most any day,
You say no no Ritalin may work quite well, I say
Oo ho, but a spank’s all natural
You say no no, that’d make me a fiend I won’t, I say
Well, well, she’ll be a monster if you don’t,

You say doctor! Her whining I can’t take it
I say mother, all you got to do is spank it
You say doctor! Don’t you think it’s cruel
I say mother, you are such a silly fool

She put the whine in the tone of voice, you spank her she’ll stop
She put the whine in the tone of voice, this method the tops
She put the whine in the tone of voice, spank out the misbehaving
She learn you spank at the tone of voice, she’ll soon stop with a waaaaarning.
She’ll soon stop with a warning.
She’ll soon stop with a warning.