Dawn of the Third Age of mankind
Ten years after the Earth-Minbari war.
The last of our stations
Since we mysteriously lost the one B4.
Port of call and home from home
For gamblers, hustlers, wanders
and diplomats.
This spinning station may increase
Our best hope for peace though it may be the last.
Alone in the night above
Planet Epsilon Eridani and our own jump gate
Run by Jeff Sinclair first season
Then Sheridan. Ivonova is his first mate
Talia reads minds, Garibaldi
Acts as head of security
‘Til he gets ‘pathed.
And Dr. Franklin uses stims
But with Marcus Cole and him that’s our whole human cast.
Ambassador G’Kar
He is a Narn
And he loathes
The Centauri
Like Moolari
Who jumps at Shadows.
Minbari Delenn
Weds Sheridan
After her cocoon
Makes her look posh.
And Vorlon Kosh
Meets his Zaha-doom
On Babylon, Babylon, Babylon
With President Clarke’s crimes and lies
And Nightwatch. We secede from Earth and sever ties
We make the League of Worlds align
To fight the Shadow war with help of Lorien
With telepath to slow their zip
And fleet of White Star battleships
We win the day
Free the Earth from tyranny
Liberate Mars colony
And everything’s okay.
And though we might
Have won for fight
Now we ken
Our president
He may have leant
Help to Morden.
And there’s for sure
A Telepath War
Byron’s a martyr
Lyta’s is the best
But Chekov won’t rest
And he is Bester
And soon the Drakh
Will run amok
And send a plague
So to win the Drakh War
The Excalibur
Goes on a Crusade.
To Babylon, Babylon, Babylon, Babylon, Babylon