What do you do with a drunken
Put him in a trilogy moneymaker
Show him Kiera Knightly and he’ll try to nail her
He’s Captain Jack Sparrow
In Port Royal he met Will Turner,
An elf who worked the blacksmith burner,
Joined up and went to Tortuga,
With Captain Jack Sparrow
Black Pearl once commanded did he,
Until Barbaros’ mutiny
Now the crew’s gold-hunting zombies
After old Jack Sparrow
Sparrow wants his captaincy back,
The Royal Navy didn’t want that,
But their commodore don’t know Jack,
Like Captain Jack Sparrow
Turner broke the curse malady,
So that he could save his lady,
Look out it’s an undead monkey,
On Captain Jack Sparrow!
A two-parter movie is next,
Davy Jones after ten years rest
Needs to get something off his chest,
To Captain Jack Sparrow.
Jack sold his soul for the Pearl to lead them
Now the Kraken wants to eat him,
With Will’s help he will redeem him,
Will Will save Jack Sparrow?
Turner wants to save old Bootstrap,
Elizabeth can’t read her compass,
”To be continued” is what we read as,
The Kraken eats Jack Sparrow
Next the plot that we have unfurled,
Takes place at the end of the world,
In the desert who mans the Pearl
Dozens of Jack Sparrows.
But Davy Jones he still wants ya
Cause Calypso broke his heart in four
Saved by dues ex machina,
Take a bow Jack Sparrow!
Pirate lord of the Carribean
Anti-hero he is bein’
All his films we will be seein’
He’s Captain Jack Sparrow
To get Jack Sparrow all you do
Cross Keith Richards and Pepe le Pew,
Give him depth like only Depp can do,
He’s Captain Jack Sparrow!
And whenever he gets away,
This is the line that he’ll always say
You will remember this as the day
You almost caught Jack Sparrow!