Grr, Argh!!
So 1, 2, 3 savin’ Xander and Cordie
Because you look so tuff
That you’ve really gotta be Buff
Oh, your own bad self
Against the whole damn Hell Mouth
Oh, 4, 5, 6 stab the vamps with pointed sticks
Between Angel and Spike
Are then any living boys you like?
With Xander,
Willow and Tara
Under Giles’ watchful
Watcher stare
Each generation
There’s only one
Then just have Faith more will come
Get some applause
From Andrew and Oz
While Anya sees bunnies and runs
I said are you the vampire slayer?
Well, 1,2,3 take on Warren and the Tri-o
After the school principle
Becomes a giant snake from hell
I warn you Angel plus Buff
Equals evil Angelus
Well, 4,5,6 when you dump him get your kicks
From Riley the marine
And then you find Spike kinda keen
Boot to the face
Ax to the head
Spike to the heart leaves the
Demons dead!
Giles is nice
And his advice
And training shows you what to do
Busting lips and ex
-changing quips
Along with the Scooby crew
I said are you the vampire slayer
And then along
Comes sister Dawn
Who is actually the Key
Come back to life
Once or twice
To fight First Evil and Glory
In Sunnydale
Vamps you impale
Are you Buffy the vampire slayer…