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Clobbering Time

A parody of Closing Time by Semisonic
Midi source:
Midi composer: anonymous

Clobbering time – in space one day some cosmic rays bombard a ship and the crew is changed
Clobbering time – developed powers fantastic or at the least a little strange
Clobbering time – now some villain or alien threatens the planet earth once more.
Clobbering time – Call the Baxter Building time to summon the Fantastic Four

I know who I want to save my home
Make Galactus leave the earth alone
Go exploring the Negative Zone
Fantastic Four

Clobbering time - Johnny Storm the Human Torch cries “flame on” and he gets real hot
Clobbering time – Invisible Woman Susan’s force fields are just some outlined dots
And Mr. Fantastic stretches like elastic – Reed Richards is the smart leader
Clobbering time – shouted by the rocky Thing Ben Grimm before he throws a car.


I know who the greatest heroes are
Flying around in the Fantasticar
Kick Dr. Doom back to Latveria
Fantastic Four

Clobbering time – on Annihilus & Super Skrull & Mole Man & Puppet Master

I know who I want to save the day
Cause the Silver Surfer to betray
Make the Skrulls and Kree all go away
Fantastic Four

Kids are Valeria and Franklin
Will Ben ever turn human again?
Fighting evil they will always win
Fantastic Four

Clobbering time – some new crisis threatens earth the moment the last crisis ends.