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Harry Potter

A parody of Troublemaker by Weezer
Midi source:
Midi composer: anonymous

Put me in Hogwartz school
‘Cos I am so very cool
Only one to outlast a killing blast
That’s cast by You-Know-Who
Leave the Dursleys I abhors
I’m no Muggle no more
Take the King’s Cross 9 & three-
quarters train out to train at Gryffendor
Put on the Sorting Hat
Think Draco is a prat
In magic classes I can’t tell
If Snape is good or if he’s bad.
Befriend Hermione and Ron
Find Sorcerer’s Stone
And learn someday I’ll have to
Battle Lord Voldemort all alone

I am Harry Potter
And now I have gotta
Learn how to use magic
Help to do my part
I am Harry Potter
Dumbledore’s my mentor
Studying my potions and
Stopping Voldemort

I pick up a magic wand
How can I speak Parseltongue?
And then a Sirius Black problem
soon escapes from Azkeban.
I think that I should start
Studying Defense against Dark Arts
Avadra Kedavra
I’m learning spells and chants
Help Hagrid with his pets
Meet Cho from Ravenclaw and crush
and try to get into her pants.
Room of Requirement rocks
Free Dobbie with old socks
And find to late Tom Riddley’s
Diary is a horcrux
It’s true Voldemort’s back
But you can just relax
I’ll save the day and win my house points
In time for a Quiddich match

I am Harry Potter
Don’t you know I wantta
Learn how to use magic
Help to save the day
I am Harry Potter
Join the Phoenix Order
Summon the Patronus/ send
Voldemort away

To wizards I’m a star
And my lightning bolt scar
Links Voldemort to me if he
Is nearby or if he’s far
But slowly things get worse
As Snape puts Albus in a hearse
I’m on the run from everyone
Under the Imperius curse
It’s such a mystery
Why the Magic Ministry
Says You-Know-Who is gone
And argues I’m out for publicity
Won’t let it get me down
So I go underground
Voldemort hex attack goes back
He finally dies when it rebounds

I am Harry Potter
Don’t you think I oughtta
Learn how to use magic
Help to save the world
I am Harry Potter
Challenge the Dementors
For mages and for Muggles
I’m Fighting Voldemort
(Fighting Voldemort)
I am Harry Potter
(Fighting Voldemort)
I am Harry Potter
(Fighting Voldemort)
I am Harry Potter
(Fighting Voldemort)
I am Harry Potter

Fighting Voldemort