I’m not sexy’ I’m
a nerdy.
So nerdy it is unheard of
So nerdy it’s absurd
I’m so nerdy for Star Wars. So nerdy for Clone Wars
Though you find it a bore
And I’m so nerdy for X-Men, for parties hosting LAN
And anime from Japan
And I’m so nerdy for Star Trek
And Battlestar Galactic-a
And Harry Potter fanfic
I am a fanboy. You know what I need
And I get my fix in the comic shop
Yeah in the comic shop in the comic shop yeah
I buy all their issues and backstock
I’m so nerdy for technology C+++ that’s me
Linux, Mac and PC
And I’m so nerdy for Dr. Who
The answer is 42 you know it’s true
I’m an otaku. Think Warcraft is keen
And I get my fix in the comic shop
Yeah in the comic shop in the comic shop yeah
I’m addicted and I know I won’t stop
I’m so nerdy for my (glaven)
so nerdy for my (glaven)
so nerdy for my (moisen glaven)
I am a fanboy. Read Marvel and DC
And I get my fix in the comic shop
Yeah in the comic shop in the comic shop yeah
It’s fun though with girls I am a flop
I’m so nerdy for D&D. So nerdy for RPG
Discuss post zero hour continuity
I’m so nerdy for cosplay. get more nerdy every day
Let me put it this way
I’m so nerdy I made this song