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One Week in the Justice League

A parody of One Week by Barenaked Ladies
Midi source:
Midi composer: anonymous

It’s been one week since I got superpowers
Joined the heroes up in the Watchtower
Five days since I saved the world
Alongside Superman, Batman and Hawkgirl
Three days since Green Lantern and Flash
And Martian Manhunter stopped some thieves trying to steal cash
Wonder Woman says that eventually
I’ll be made an official teammate of the Justice League

Holy Cow! JL Unlimited
Just like the Super Friends
Without the Wonder Twins or Aquaman
There’s Captain Marvel, Atom,
Black Canary, Plastic Man
Zatanna, Huntress, Firestorm, Vibe and Elongated Man
Cyborg and Blue Beetle and Dr. Fate
Fire and Ice are great
Booster Gold and the Red Tornado
Captain Atom and Black Lightning
Vixen and Nightwing
Power Girl, Steel and Green Arrow
You just watch on and before long
This pantheon’ll be the bomb
As they keep adding to their roster with new heroes
Whether Vertigo’s Dark Horse
or DC force they will of course
Team up together and join forces against evil.

They stop mad scientists out for world domination
Teaming up against alien invasions
Not the kind of guys who might want to run and hide
Should they wind up in a fight against Darkseid
They have a tendency to dress in capes and spandex suits
Reveal their emblems when they’re taking off their shirt

It’s been one week since we lowered the boom
On Lex Luthor and his Legion of Doom.
Five days since we had to pray
That Superman could stop Doomsday
It’s been three days or maybe more
Since Mxyzptlk made Emperor Joker
Yesterday I occurred to me
I’m so glad that there’s help from the Justice League


Justice League of America, or Justice League Europe
Or JL International they’ll always show up
With Hawkman and Lobo not to mention
There is the Question
Dr. Light and Mr. Terrific
Call Mr. Miracle when you’re in danger
Or Phantom Stranger
Wildcat, Huntress, Vigilante
Team of the world’s finest women and men
Heroes and heroines
They’re always swooping in to save the day
When maniacs come back attack
Like Brainiac, Parasite
Ultra-Humanite, Injustice Gang, Starro or Sinestro
Have Oracle call Zariel
And Super Girl, Red Rocket, Blue Devil
And make the team leader be Metamorpho

They’re here to help when villains try committing something foul
In form-fitting suits, with mask, cape and cowl
I’m the kind of guy who finds it a little odd
When they wind up in a fight with Gorilla Grodd
They have a tendency to wind up in crises it’s true
One Year Later since they wound up in 52!

It’s been one week since the multiverse
Was nearly destroyed by the Anti-Monitor
Five days since villains threatened me
And the others by revealing our secret identities
Three days since Marvel Crossovers
Created that weird amalgam universe
Yesterday we summoned the whole team
As yet another danger called for the Justice League
Bravest and Boldest heroes of DC
Still unclear on post-Crisis continuity
Call the Watchtower tell them to save me