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Cowboy Bebop

A parody of Cowboy by Kid Rock
Backing track source:

Well I’m packing up my ship and head into outer space
Where we travel through the stars through wormholes in Phase Gates
Find a crook with a bounty placed upon him
Land an old dropkick, knock him down cash him in
And I’m a Spike Spiegel I’m a badass guy
Practice Jeet Kune Do and got a two-toned eye
Team up with my bearded buddy Jet Black
Then we watch Big Shot for our next attack
Chasing our bounties across the stars
Get shot at in planes and shot at in bars
Cause some massive damage. Though we win the day
The bounty’s all used up in our damage pay
Get a sidekick chick in hot pants you’ll ogle
And a Welshi Corgi that’s a data dog and
A weird feral kid, is Ed a girl or boy
And it would seem that they’re my team tracking our bounty….cause I wanna be a
Cowboy Bebop
Go to Mars, Venus, Ganymede or Earth instead
Cowboy Bebop
Fly the Swordfish or the Hammerhead
I wanna be a Cowboy Bebop
Kung fu kick and the gun shot blast
Cowboy Bebop
One eye sees the present, one the past

I bet you’ll give a little whistle there’s this girl so fine
You’ll go (whistle) at Faye Valentine
Edward Wong Hau Pepelu Tivrusky
A weird little kid, and hacker prodigy.
As a group team up, resources pool. I’ll
Get a map to the stars find Julia
Mysterious and pretty as Helen of Troy

And if you see’r ‘k, let me know until then I’ll be a
Cowboy Bebop
Living our life out on the edge
Cowboy Bebop
Brought down by slime from behind the fridge
Cowboy Bebop
Yo Jet, we need some tunes in here.
Switch the TV off. But Punch and Judy are onna


I don’t care I wanna hear the Seatbelts and Yoko Kanno playing
Honky Tonk Woman, Real Folk Blues, and the Mushroom Samba
Boogie Wogie Feng Shui and the Gateway Shuffle
Heavy Metal Queen, Ballad of Fallen Angels
Jupiter Jazz, Sympathy for the Devil

Yeah…Sid Viscous… comes through the phase gate
An old buddy from the Red Dragon Syndicate
On his shoulder he’s got a big black bird
And as it flies off it leaves a great big turd
Katanas, bushido , gunshot salvo
Explosion and fallin’ through stained glass window
Is this all a dream? In my eye that ain’t right
Hop in the Bebop and we’ll take a flight
Guns, mayhem, spaceship, and sex
Fighting Teddy Bomber and Chessmaster Hex
Asimov Solinsan, Rint Celonias and
An eighty year old who’s younger than Ed is
Hang with Annie and V.T.…Faye Valentine has no memory
I’m just a bounty hunter, out for the score
Get the butterflies knockin’ on heaven’s door
Stop Vicious taking over the Syndicate
And then at the end I (spoiler edit)
Will I survive or with a bang will I die?
Stay up and watch Jet and I till you get the Red Eye am a
All the girls think that I look real cute
With messy hair and a blue leisure suit
Always hear a mellow jazz refrain
When I see a red rose in the rain
Having fun though I know it can’t last
One eye sees the present, one sees the past
So long, space cowboy