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Story of Discworld
A parody of Story of a Girl by Nine Days
Midi source:
Midi composer: anonymous

These are the stories of Discworld
Flat earth on four elephants on a turtle
Full of wizards, dwarves, werewolves and trolls
And that’s just in Ankh-Morpork
Terry Pratchett’s Novels

What is this planet we’re seeing
Atop great A’tuin full of octarine
Where else would you go to work
Than in the twin cities of Ankh and Morpork
The great Unseen University
Is where wizards go to keep from practicing spells
And usually Death will appear
To send you to your respective heavens and hells
The Luggage tracks Rincewind on many feet
And any witch worth her salt uses headology
Ask the History Monks and they will read

These are the stories of Discworld
Flat earth of four elephants on a turtle

Orangutan Librarian
And Quoth the Raven
And Twoflower the Tourist
Makes me smile

The personification Death speaks
In all capitals. While Death of rats squeaks
Who could have any worse luck
Than Rincewind the wizard whose magic just sucks
At Unseen University get told
The answers to questions by computer Hex
If Cohen the Barbarian’s too old
Get help from Nanny Ogg and Gran Weatherwax
As Moist Von Lipwig’s scheming to steal
And Lord Vetinari makes a new deal
And Susan finds out that the Hogfather is real

These is the stories of discworld
From the Ageatean to Lancre to Uberwald
And I should also mention Dungeon Dimension
So let’s all carpe jugulum and
Go postal

Well the wee free men help tiffany now
Angua sees the full moon and she will howl
And just ask Duke Sam Vimes where is my cow
This is the story of Discworld
Flat earth on four elephants on a turtle
If there’s a job to botch just ask the Watch
Nobby and Colon’ll do it

This is the story of Discworld
Where the counterweight continent’s gold
Where it’s not odd to see witches abroad
Rocking out to some soul music
With small gods

This is the story of Discworld
These Interesting Times call for Guards Guards
Comedic fantasy and parody
And just a pinch of some satire
Makes me smile
Nac Mac Feegle