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Stuck on an Escalator

A parody of Love on an Elevator by Aerosmith
Backing track source:

Lost track of time staring at my OJ
Because it said concentrate
Locked my keys in the open convertible
So once again to work I’m late

As I arrive I head upstairs
But then you know my luck
A rolling blackout hits the place
And darn it now I’m stuck!

Stuck on an escalator
Halfway between second floor and ground
Stuck on an escalator
Power is out so I can’t get down

Someone call the fire department
What’s the number to 9-1-1?
I’m shoutin’ for help but everybody
Is just pointin’ and makin’ fun

I wish I could get away
Wish I never even got on
Why does such great misfortune
Always happen to us blondes?


Stuck on an escalator
Why won’t the steps circle around
Stuck on an escalator
Steps will not move so I can’t get down

It ain’t fair, it ain’t fair! Oh, I knew I should have took the stairs!
Stuck on an escalator
Power is out so I can’t get down

Stuck on an escalator
Get me down!

Stuck on an escalator
Will I be trapped the whole day round
I’d jump down off the side but I’m afraid
I might get lost along the way down

Gonna die of dehydration
Gonna soon waste away
Darn this lack of elevation
This unmoving walkway

Power finally comes back on
Finally make my escape
Whoever said blondes have more fun never
Met such a cruel fate (as to be)

I ain’t fair! It ain’t fair!
Third time this week it’s happened there!