I am a genius once noble and
Lab accident broke my body and mind
Once tried to use my genius for good
That’s backfired it’s understood
And now with evil I’m aligned
I am a genius unrivaled and how
Mistreated but I’ll get my revenge now
My intellect is matched only
By my ambition in extreme
And now the world is gonna bow
Cause I built a death ray
I’ll take the world down
Just once single shot can destroy a whole town
You say that I’m mad
That I cannot win
But I destroyed a whole army and I can do it again
I built a death ray
Those craters don’t lie
The world best surrender or you’re all gonna die
I built a death ray
I built a death ray
You want to know if I rule later
Will I be a benevolent dictator
Oh who are we kidding: no
(I mean)
I built a death ray
It has laser scopes
I can aim and destroy
Any point on the globe
Called up the U.N.
Demand they submit
Or I’ll give them a list of the cities I’ll hit
I built a death ray
Your end is now fated
Surrender or you’ll be annihilated
I built a death ray
(oooooh, a death ray)
I am a scientist gone mad
On a secret private isle
Got me some henchmen so I could
Take over the whole world in style
Resistance is futile
Deep in the bowels of my secret lair
I hear the whole world as they’re kneeling in prayer
Cause I built a death ray
I’ll take the world down
It’ll fire it’s beam Once it reaches countdown
I built a death ray
The world will be doomed
I’ll conquer the globe see success as it looms
I built a death ray
You cannot resist
I’m going to rule now with an iron fist
I built a death ray
I built a death ray
I built a death ray
I built a death ray
I built a death ray
I built a death ray