If you’re havin’
trouble getting girls in bed
Here’s what the Scots say is fine
Can’t get a lady that you like instead
Go fleece a dumb ovine
Go to the farm
Hey, where’s the harm?
Do what you got to do
Don’t be a fool
Just grab some wool
And tell her “I love ewe.”
Dirty Deeds Done With Sheep
Dirty Deeds Done With Sheep
Dirty Deeds Done With Sheep
Dirty Deeds and they’re done with sheep
No one out there approves of my love life
They say that it’s perverse
But Richard Gear he had that gerbil wife
Catherine the Great had her horse
If we run dry
Of our KY
We’ll just use mint sauce that’s green
Can’t count those sheep
To get to sleep
It just gives me wet dreams
Dirty Deeds Done With Sheep
Dirty Deeds Done With Sheep
Dirty Deeds Done With Sheep
Dirty Deeds and they’re done with sheep
Well, I’m their shepherd and I rock my flock
It is Sheer joy with lambs
It’s natural even in how we talk
Why else call it a ram?
My little mutton
Cute as a button
But no one understands
But no safe sex
I’ll get anthrax
And now I’m on the lamb!
Dirty Deeds Done With Sheep
Dirty Deeds Done With Sheep
Dirty Deeds Done With Sheep
Dirty Deeds and they’re done with sheep