Evil zuul and vego the carpathean
Put some slime in a subway station
Possess Dana and cause levitation
Till Ghostbusters attack with the proton pack
Evil Zuul he was the gatekeeper
Needed Vince Clortho he was the Keymaster
Summon up their lord the demon god Gozer
And Stay Puff Marshmallow
Now in Old New York the ghostbusters are best
Peter Vankmen Egon Speingler
Ray Stantz and Winston Zedmore
So Zuul is gone and now infiltrating
Is the painting of Vego the Carpathean
Talk about an evil decoration
Why’s the Carpathean want a baby?
To walk with the statue of liberty
ya gonna call
ya gonna call
ya gonna call
ya gonna call
If someone asks if you’re a god say
Can ghosts be caught by this team?
As long as they don’t cross the streams
Evil Zuul and Vego the Carpathean
Keep ghostbusters in their occupation
Causing pkg fluxuations
Where’d tracey the gorilla go?
Oops sorry talking ‘bout wrong show
Evil Zuul and Vego the Carpathean
Beat back to everyone’s elation
Been a long time gone no trilogy makin’
Why did ghostbusters 3 get the works
Cause Slimer slimed some producer jerks