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A parody of Popular by Kristin Chenoweth for Wicked
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When you arrive in high school
It is really quite a switch
Suddenly you have to find
A quite specific niche
As nerd or jock
Or cheerleader or dweeb
And when you accept this role to take
It’s the identity you make
Your own. You’re known for who you pretend to be
But then in my case
When no one even knows your face
High school becomes very hard indeed
The life I lead
Is hard you see
I am un-

I’m very unpopular
I watch the cool kids I see
They don’t notice me
I don’t have cool clothes or a car
In class never raise my hand
Play clarinet in band
Just like twenty others or more

I’m unpopular
So very unpopular
I’m not any good at sports
Just a great big dork
People say that I’m creepy
Even the chess club
Wouldn’t accept me


Don’t have any identity at this school
Frankly I might as well just be invisible
High school is horrible it makes me miserable I’m
Completely unknown look
No one signed my year book
Not even “have a nice summer”
Cause I’m unpopular
I wish I was popular
Wish I could find a clique
Where I could stick
What’s less fun than being just one – none –
Just get through this lecture
And another school day is done
Blah blah blah

Blah blah, blah blah
Even to the teacher
I am unpopular

When I see some theater nerds
Reggae deadheads or pale goth girls
I remember folks perceive me
By how I dress
Came to school all punk rock clothed
No one laughed or even noticed
Better luck as mod or emo?
Don’t make me laugh.

Cause I’m unpopular Jeeze.
And It’s all about popular
It is all about
The way you stand out
And I doubt seriously
That I’ll ever get anyone to notice

And though you protest
High school’s just a test
And someday I could be a star
I think it’s pretty clear
I’ll always be unpopular
No game I’m so lame
Here’s my claim to fame
No one’s quite as unpopular
As me!