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A parody of Tax Man by the Beatles Featuring sound clips from Pac-Man the video game
Midi composer: D.W. BarnesMidi source:

Let me tell you what you’ve got here
I am a hungry yellow sphere
Cause I’m the Pac-Man
Yea I’m the Pac-Man

I eat the little dots to win
Before the ghosties box me in
Cause I’m the Pac-Man
Yea I’m the Pac-Man

Inky, Pinky, Blinky and Clyde
Chase through the maze I am inside
I must eat every single dot
As you pump quarters into the slot
Well I’m the Pac-Man
Yea I’m the Pac-Man


If a pink ribbon atop you see
That’s Ms. Pac-Man and not me
Cause I’m the Pac-Man
Yea I’m the Pac-Man

Strawberries, cherries, pretzels too (Pac-Man)
The big dots make the ghosts turn blue (Pac-Man)
Cause I’m the Pac-Man
Yea I’m the Pac-Man
Meet you at level 256.