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Glory! Glory! Homophobia (Battle Hymn of the Republicans)

A parody of The Battle Hymn of the Republic by Julia Ward Howe
Midi composer: Anonymous
Midi source:

Mine eyes rejoiced when California said homosexuals could mate
It was progressive and enlightened. I was so proud of the state.
Until we went and voted yes on proposition 8
And stole their rights away

Glory! Glory! Homophobia
Why tolerate those who aren’t normal
Glorify your xenophobia
And all your hateful ways

I looked on with dismay as Prop 8 allies did rejoice
Their ongoing pledge to take away the liberties and voice
Of a minority they opine make the wrong lifestyle choice
Well, who are you to say?

They claim being gays abnormal so their marriage is a sin
Just a sacred ceremony for a man and a woman
And that’s great with the divorce rate higher than it’s ever been
Let them be as miserable as we.

Glory! Glory! Discrimination!
Filled with self-righteous indignation
Must have brought you such elation
Proving to yourself you’re not gay.

And then there’s moral majority that is neither
Don’t you wish they were dumb hicks they’d be easier to ignore
Let’s just hope that God’s a little more tolerant than they are
For us as well as George Takei.

They explain scripture prohibit homosexuality
Like a quote from Romans can excuse such blatant bigotry
Would we dare use the Bible to justify atrocities?
Ask Indians, blacks or Jews someday



Glorifying prejudice we find
God must love it when you’re unkind
Terrible thing to waste a narrow mind
Gets narrower every day

Is it learned or just genetic if you’re gay or if you’re straight?
Specious political argument only serves to obfuscate
If it makes you happy and hurts no one then I say that it’s great!
Besides, it’s here to stay

Now this is not self interest. I’m not gay. Don’t get me wrong
If I were I wouldn’t be ashamed. Not the point of this song.
I’m just someone who can recognize a simple right from a wrong
And this is not okay

Glory! Glory Bigotry
Are you all too blind to see
We’re all different to some degree
In every little way

Perhaps the real problem here behind all this bigotry
Is rooted in the perception of a false duality
Cause if you take away the either/or there’s ambiguity
And that makes people scared

But here is the solution. It’s so easy to now to tell
God’s about love so love who you want you will not go to hell
Cause if we take away the stigma the disgrace will fade as well
And we can focus on the economy!

So whether you think being gay’s perverted
Or if I’m preaching to the converted
There’s one thing of which you can be certain
You can’t vote this away