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Living in Fast Forward

A parody of Living on the Edge by Aerosmith
Midi composer: Anonymous
Midi source:

There’s something wrong with the world today
Everything’s standing still
I’m moving way to fast

It’s been that way since yesterday
Lighting hit that chemical spill
I think I’ll be the Flash

I’m livin’ in fast forward
I’m livin’ in fast forward
I’m livin’ in fast forward
I’m livin’ in fast forward

There’s something wrong with the world today
Bad guys evade arrest
Criminal underworld thrives.

I’ll dress up in red spandex
Lightening bolt emblem on my chest
I’m Barry Allen, the fastest man alive!

I’m livin’ in fast forward
You can’t help yourself from running
Livin’ in fast forward
You just can’t slow down at all
Livin’ in fast forward
You can’t help yourself from speeding
Livin’ in fast forward

Tell me which Flash did you think was better?
Me, Jay Garrick, Wally West or
Bart Allen?

Zippin’ through protectin’ all of Central City
Got a whole list of rogues in my gallery
Mirror Master
Captain Cold and Trickster
Captain Boomerang and Zoom and Grodd and the Weather Wizard

<I’m gonna zip through the solo>

Crimson lightning runner here’s the situation
Negation of Anti-Life Equation
Powers in me

Anti-Monitor dead on my feet keep running
Don’t you know a loophole means I keep on coming
Back again?
To help my teammates and friends
Again and again and again and again


There’s something right with the world today
Since I’ve started my scarlet speedster thing
I’m zipping through it all, vibrating through a wall
And keep my costume packed inside a ring
<yeah, I know, just go with it>
I’m livin’ in fast forward
You can’t help from going fast
Livin’ in fast forward
With your sidekick the Kid Flash
Livin’ in fast forward
You can’t help yourself from speeding
Livin’ in fast forward
Livin’ in fast forward
Livin’ in fast forward
Livin’ in fast forward
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah

Livin’ in fast forward
You can’t save Iris from her doom
Livin’ in fast forward
At the hands of Professor Zoom
Livin’ in fast forward
You can’t help yourself from speeding
Livin’ in fast forward
You just can’t slow down at all

Fastest on any course
Powered by Speed Force

The Crimson lightning
Outrun that Black Flash thing

From the Silver Age
He’s still all the rage

Livin’ in fast forward
You can’t help yourself from speeding
Livin’ in fast forward
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
Yeah, I am Barry Allen