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Spider-Man ‘86ed

A parody of the Spider-Man Theme Song by Paul Frances Webster and Bob Harris
Midi composer: Anonymous
Midi source:

Spiderman, Spiderman
Played by Toby Macguire man
Powers from a spider bite
Now he takes his mask off twice a fight
Look out!
It’s movie version of Spiderman

Movies gross
Even though they piss off the fans
No spider-sense, no jokes to kid
No web shooters or web fluid
And just who
Was it who killed uncle ben?

Fighting Green Gobin
In a Power Rangers mask
An upside down kiss
With that dunce, Kirsten Dunst


Spiderman, what’s the plan?
Have Venom for on like, what, 6 seconds man?
To watch him live
I shelled out 8 bucks
But the plots a joke and the dialogue sucks

To me, Spidey’s too cool a hero
To make films so mediocre
These movies of Spider-Man